Infrared Light Therapy

Lose Weight at the Speed of Light

Studied by NASA and proven across hundreds of clinical studies, red and near infrared light promotes healthy cellular function-helping you look younger, heal faster, and feel better.  

At Glo Skin Spa we use The Ultimate Light Pro because it’s the most powerful advanced LED in it’s class.  With their 6 densely packed and well-structured flexible pads and powerful diodes –  the Ultimate Light units use the most modern-day Third Generation LEDs. They operate both in the 635 nm as well as the 880 nm wavelength ranges. The machines are USA-made and use German LED diodes to generate power. State-of-the-art designing with rigorous innovation makes our machines the most powerful ones available anywhere on Earth.

How Light Therapy Works

Specific wavelengths of red and near infrared light have been clinically proven to activate various intra-cellular metabolic pathways-leading to increased production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate),  enhanced cellular signaling, and elevated protein synthesis.


Sometimes diet and exercise just aren’t enough to achieve the lean, toned body you desire. Transform your body with our non-invasive WEIGHT LOSS alternative!
The Red Light Therapy incorporates advanced LED technology for non-invasive body contouring.  Using the power of light is the healthy way to lose inches around the waist, arms, hips and thighs.
The Ultimate Light is extremely effective in releasing stored fat from the cell, by virtue of its great engineering.  The high power, delivered to the adipose tissue, eliminates fat fast. The absorption of LED (70%) by the human body is much higher than traditional laser (40%), making the LED technology inherently effective. In addition, the 880 nm light increases the collagen and elastin formation, making the unit great for fat loss. So if you follow the best practices of using lipo LED’s along with the sessions in terms of diet and exercises, the results are likely to be wonderful.  There is a  link at the bottom of this page of clinical research. and government cited studies that you can read.


As cited by research, the wavelengths used by our Ultimate Light are perfect for healing and reducing inflammation. This letter from user Chris reveals it very effectively.

“I have a torn rotator cuff in my shoulder as a result of wrestling and football in High School/College and a stupid accident a few ye%ars ago.  Based on my MRI scan it shows a 90% tear in my rotator cuff requiring surgery.  Big bucks out of pocket medical expense so I have been putting it off for the last few years.  Pain level has been running around an 8 with about 30% motion of the arm.  A local spa suggested trying their light therapy on my shoulder as it was originally developed to help professional athletes recover faster.  While I was very skeptical about their claims I tried it.  After three sessions of their therapy my pain level has gone from an 8 to a 1 and I have gained about 70% mobility.  While I will still require surgery for my shoulder I would just like to OMG thank you so much for the relief of the pain and gained use of my arm. ~ Chris A.


Skin Toning and Face Lifting

The LED therapy is perfect for improving skin damage and can be coupled with other skin services. It’s recommended for skin rejuvenation, sun-damage, acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, sensitive and inflammatory conditions, wound healing and scarring as well as anyone looking to restore skin’s radiance.

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